
Radiesse® dermal filler is setting a new standard for facial contouring and augmentation. It adds volume to safely contour, correct, and beautify facial features. And it continues to work over time.

Radiesse® dermal filler is made of unique, patented, calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres suspended in a water-based gel carrier. When injected into the skin, these microspheres initially perform as a filler - they immediately provide facial volume for a soft, natural look. The transformation is noticeable right away. Over time, your body will gradually absorb the gel carrier, but the very tiny, smooth microspheres remain.

Once injected, Radiesse® dermal filler starts a process called neocollagenesis, or the creation of new collagen. It stimulates collagen production in your own body and encourages collagen growth around the injection site. In many cases, results may last up to a year or more.

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Is Radiesse® dermal filler safe?

In years of rigorous clinical testing and use by physicians in hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide, RADIESSE® dermal filler has been proven to be safe and effective. RADIESSE® dermal filler is made of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA), a biocompatible substance that's identical to what's naturally found in the body. RADIESSE® dermal filler does not contain any animal- or human-derived components and it has a minimal risk of allergic reaction. After injection, RADIESSE® dermal filler will not migrate to other parts of the body. Over time, it degrades naturally into calcium and phosphate ions that are safely metabolized by the body's own processes.

How is treatment with Radiesse® dermal filler performed?

RADIESSE® dermal filler is injected into the skin through a simple, safe, quick, and minimally invasive outpatient procedure. Treatment typically takes place in our office with the use of a local anesthetic.

Will I need a skin test?

RADIESSE® dermal filler is made of a synthetic, biocompatible substance that's identical to what's naturally found in the body. Because RADIESSE® dermal filler does not contain any animal- or human-derived components, there's virtually no risk of an allergic reaction. That means you do not need to undergo skin allergy testing prior to treatment. However, if you believe you are having an allergic reaction to RADIESSE® dermal filler, seek medical attention immediately.

When will I see results? How long will it last?

You'll see results immediately after treatment. RADIESSE® dermal filler continues to deliver results over time as it stimulates your body to produce new collagen. Results may last up to a year or more in many patients, which may result in fewer office visits for re-treatment.

How quickly can I return to my normal activities?

Most patients experience little to no downtime and return to normal activities almost immediately after treatment. Other patients may need more time for recovery. By 24 hours after treatment, most swelling and redness will have subsided.