Silhouette InstaLift®

As you age, the production of collagen gets lower and lower, your cheeks begin to sag and, overall, the skin loses its firmness. Your lower face skin also begins sagging, losing facial structure.

Facelift surgery is generally a great option to fix this problem, but not everyone wants to commit to surgery. As an alternative, people can opt for Silhouette InstaLift®, a procedure that uses threads to reposition the skin. At Allure Image, we can provide Silhouette InstaLift® to achieve a more lifted and youthful look.

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The perfect candidate for Silhouette InstaLift® is someone who notices the early aging signs. This procedure is generally not recommended if you have deep wrinkles, as it may not be as effective. For you to benefit the most from the Silhouette InstaLift® procedure, your purpose should be a refreshed look. You should have good skin quality that still maintains some elasticity, along with mild to moderate sagging. It is usually recommended for those who have a tired look as a result of aging.The ideal candidate is also someone who wants to experience the effects of a facelift, without actually committing to surgery. However, keep in mind that people with very thick or thin skin may not be ideal candidates for the procedure. A consultation is necessary to determine whether this procedure is the right choice for your needs or not.

How Silhouette InstaLift® Works?

Silhouette InstaLift® is generally customizable for every patient’s needs. During the procedure, sutures will be added to the fat layers on the sides of your face, repositioning the skin. When the sutures are inserted, they will go from a lower to a higher point so that they can support your face’s natural contour. The threads will offer immediate natural contouring as your skin is lifted. However, the effects will keep improving in the next few months. The small wounds caused by the thread will trigger your body’s natural collagen production. This will help give your skin more support and firmness, providing longer-term results. The Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid (PLGA) biodegradable sutures are dissolvable with time, and you don’t need to have them removed. Once the threads are absorbed into the skin, your new elastin and collagen production will act as the holder instead to provide more natural results. Silhouette InstaLift® procedures will take about 30 to 45 minutes to be completed in the office. Anesthetic is generally used in the treated area, with the entry and exit points being outlined for more accuracy. Once the sutures are in the designated area, a sweeping massage will be applied so that the tissue is locked into its place.


With Silhouette InstaLift®, the potential for downtime is minimal and most patients can be socially presentable after getting out of the doctor’s office. However, you may go through a series of side effects for the next couple of days. This is why it is recommended to take a bit of time off to rest and stay out of the sun. The most common thing you will notice is redness and swelling, which usually goes away within 48 hours. Refrain from any strenuous workouts for the next 24 hours, and do not touch the sutures if your hands aren’t clean. Cosmetics should be avoided on the first day, but you may start using them on the next day. Any soreness or pain can easily be handled with over-the-counter pain medication. Also, do not worry if you notice skin irregularities or dimples at the entry points because they will no longer be visible as the thread begins to dissolve.


Patients can see the results right after the procedure. Once the sutures are locked in place, you will begin noticing a slight lifting effect, especially around the jawline. That being said, the results may still be concealed by the redness and potential thread sighting underneath your skin. The actual results should be visible within two to three months after getting the procedure. As the body heals, it will produce more collagen, which will add to the support of your features. The sutures should be absorbed in about four to six months, after which you can look forward to enjoying the full benefits of the procedure. These results can last for up to two years. However, as collagen production naturally slows at some point, you might need to opt for maintenance sessions, and Allure Image recommends you reapply the threads once every 18 months. Before that, make sure to take good care of your skin by wearing sunblock and having a good skincare routine.