Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis effectively reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, tightens pores, reduces oil production, improves tone and texture, gets rid of sun damage and helps to diminish any redness on the skin.

Laser Genesis works by gently heating the dermis, which is located below the skin’s surface. Patients often find the treatment very soothing, as there is zero discomfort involved.

(909) 982-1074
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How does the Laser Genesis work?

The non-ablative heat-based technology of Laser Genesis provides the excellent results you seek by destroying acne-causing bacteria on and below the skin. It also goes deep into the skin to reduce redness and flushing as well as stimulate your body’s natural healing powers to ramp up collagen growth. This helps create results that are noticeable immediately, yet also delivers gradual improvements in the following months so that your youthful results look more natural.

What results can I expect?

Over the course of four to five treatments, Laser Genesis can help restore the skin’s youthful glow and appearance by smoothing out uneven texture caused by aging, sun damage or scars. You will see a more even, healthy complexion as large pores are reduced in size, and minor imperfections are diminished. The individual treatment results are subtle, but the overall effect of multiple treatments can be quite dramatic.

How long does it take to see results?

While some patients see results instantly, the general expectation is that you should see gradual results in 3-6 months while the new collagen is produced, which leads to creamier, smoother-looking skin with reduced pores, a more improved complexion, and a more radiant appearance.

How long do results last?

This depends on the overall health of each person as well as on the condition being treated. Treatment for scars can bring permanent results, but for pigment issues like redness or rosacea, results typically last about 12 months. To maintain the desired effects from such issues, a maintenance session every 12 months is recommended. Often, if you avoid the sun or protect yourself from the sun and take great care of your skin, results can last longer.

Does It hurt?

Laser Genesis is a non-invasive procedure that is completely painless. Most people report feeling a warm tingling during the treatment.