
Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen - for results that can last more than two years.

Sculptra is a dermal injectable that stimulates the body to create more collagen, creating a more youthful, natural, and refreshed appearance. This innovative product is made of synthetic, biocompatible material known as poly-L-lactic acid. The body’s collagen production decreases as we age. This contributes to the formation of fine lines, wrinkles, and hollow areas of the face.

This FDA approved injectable can be used to smooth and fill many different parts of the face, such as smile lines, the jawline, and hollow temples. Sculptra differs from other dermal fillers, offering natural results

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How does it work?

Sculptra works by increasing the amount of collagen in the treatment areas. It is able to encourage your body’s natural collagen production. Collagen is essential for a youthful appearance. This fibrous protein provides support for the structure of your skin and helps with the production of hyaluronic acid and elastin. Hyaluronic acid helps your skin to retain moisture and elastin is what keeps your skin firm and tight.

What to expect after treatment?

Once the injections are completed, regular activities may be resumed. Your doctor may instruct you to ice and massage the treatment areas. Some patients experience tenderness, swelling, and redness at the injection sites. These side effects usually begin to subside within the first two to seven days following your treatment. Immediately following injections, you may also notice the treatment areas appear plumper. This is a combination of the poly-L-lactic acid and swelling and will diminish a few days after your injections. Your final, natural, and youthful results will gradually become visible in the weeks following your Sculptra treatment.

Am I a good candidate for Sculptra?

Sculptra is a great option to help give you a more youthful appearance. These dermal injections are great for men and women. If you are an adult that wants to reduce the signs of aging and are in good health, you may be a good candidate for Sculptra. Visible signs of aging such as hollow cheeks and fine lines are reduced with Sculptra injections.

Is there any downtime?

You can return to your normal activities right away. However, you may experience some temporary swelling, redness, pain, bruising, lumps or bumps, itching, and discoloration at the treatment site. Keep in mind that these symptoms are usually temporary, resolving within 1 to 7 days.

How do I get started?

Call us today to set up your free consultation. We’ll see if you’re a good candidate for Sculptra and work with you to develop a treatment plan.